Why Taking Care of Your Body is So Important

Our bodies are amazing, complex, and beautiful pieces of “bio-machinery.” Inside our body is a chemical factory and a delicate network of systems that work together to keep us healthy and living the life we want to live. Achieving optimal physical health varies by individual and involves listening to what your body and mind is telling you. The state of your physical being, both inside and out, is a key driver behind your confidence and mental wellness.



No matter your age, appearance plays an important role in how you feel about yourself. Both men and women often forget that taking care of their appearance has a huge impact on confidence levels and social well-being. If you're feeling unhappy with some aspect of your appearance, it may be worth it to invest in treatments designed to address your areas of concern.

Shannon Lapointe, Founder of Bare Aesthetics & Painless Laser Hair Removal and Revitalize Your Health, urges individuals to bring their concerns forward to a professional. “Facials, exfoliation, teeth whitening, laser hair removal and even botox and filler treatments can all help a person feel vibrant and renewed. By openly discussing what may be bothersome to you. A professional can recommend the right treatment that meets your comfort level,” says Shannon.

Sexual Wellness

Another critical component of physical wellness lies with your sexual health. Feeling sensual and engaging in intimate activity can be a powerful tool for relieving stress. This promotes the release of hormones that can have beneficial effects on mood and general well-being.

Whether you’re looking for deeper or more frequent connections or improving performance, there are some simple ways you can take better care of your body.

Nutrition is essential in maintaining physical strength, but even small changes such as avoiding foods that cause heartburn or food allergies can make a difference when it comes to experiencing heightened arousal during intimate moments. Likewise, reducing caffeine intake and having adequate water intake will help promote excellent circulation while reducing blood pressure and keeping blood vessels dilated.

“From natural performance changes to more serious issues caused by disease or injury, there are a series of treatments available that do not require surgery or pharmaceutical remedies. Specialized, pain-free treatment plans can be applied that include pelvic muscle strengthening and improved blood flow.” Says Shannon.


Medical Health

It's important to be aware of your risk factors for certain diseases so you can take preventative measures, but also to acknowledge changes in your body that have created discomfort in your day to day living. Do not allow these ailments to go unaddressed and untreated. Common medical issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, depression, or anxiety should all be monitored by a medical provider. There are also less commonly discussed medical issues that should be address, as Shannon states “Believe it or not, incontinence is also a highly common issue among both men and women. It can often go untreated, limiting the quality of day-to-day life and the resolution is likely within reach.”

Sometimes it feels easier to shy away from discussing or researching symptoms out of embarrassment or discomfort but seeking treatment to correct the burdens of your body almost immediately improves your quality of life.

Overall, we must acknowledge our bodies as the sacred vessel that they are, providing it the nurturing attention it requires. It can be difficult to identify what is plaguing your physical health. But, if you listen and then address the problem, you will feel better and be able to maintain a level of optimal health. If you have any questions about your health or how to improve it, please speak with your doctor or healthcare professional.

Expert Contributor:

Shannon Lapointe
Founder, Revitalize Your Health and Bare Aesthetics

Working in healthcare for over 20 years, Shannon is a Certified Continence Advisor (training), Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT), and Anesthesia Assistant (CCAA).






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