Welcome to the Next Horizon of Canadian Tourism:
Destination Canada's 2030 Strategy: A World of Opportunity

In an era marked by unprecedented global change, Destination Canada is working to keep Canada’s tourism sector ahead of a very competitive, rapidly-evolving game. Their new strategy, "A World of Opportunity," stands as a roadmap to transform how tourism is experienced, expanded, promoted, and measured in Canada. The goal is to embrace transformation so that tourism can generate wealth and well-being for all Canadians while enriching the lives of visitors.

There is a clear opportunity to drive annual tourism revenues to $160 billion by 2030, surpassing the current potential of $140 billion. Achieving this $20 billion increase every year will shift the Canadian economy from stagnation to sustainable growth, benefiting communities and making tourism businesses more resilient to change.

Collective Action:
The success of the 2030 strategy hinges on the sector's ability to collaborate. By working together, transformative growth can be achieved, not just in revenue but also in creating sustainable, meaningful experiences for guests. This collective effort will provide tangible economic, socio-cultural, and environmental benefits for communities across Canada.

Collective action is the key to unlocking the full potential of Canada's tourism industry. Let's embrace this opportunity and work together to transform Canadian tourism for the better.

Read the Strategy




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