
Allied Marine & Industrial, based in Port Colborne, Ontario, stands as a premier provider of marine and industrial services. The company specializes in ship repair, fabrication, and machining, catering to a diverse array of clients within the maritime and industrial sectors. Its prime location on the Welland Canal grants Allied Marine & Industrial strategic access to the Great Lakes shipping routes, ensuring the efficient repair and maintenance of vessels.

Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and a highly skilled workforce, Allied Marine & Industrial is adept at managing complex projects with both precision and reliability. This expertise enables them to deliver high-quality services that meet the exacting standards of their clientele. The company’s commitment to safety and environmental sustainability further solidifies their reputation as a trusted partner in the industry.

Allied Marine & Industrial’s operations significantly bolster the regional maritime industry, providing essential services that keep the Great Lakes shipping lanes operational and efficient. Beyond their industrial contributions, they play a crucial role in the local economy by creating jobs and fostering community development in Port Colborne.

Their dedication to quality, safety, and environmental stewardship ensures that Allied Marine & Industrial remains a cornerstone of the local economy, supporting both the maritime industry and the broader community. Through their comprehensive services and strategic location, they continue to drive regional growth and sustainability.


Originally published on Reveal Niagara Business Magazine Vol 5 | Iss 1

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